Everyone will tell you that the secret to passing primary exams is to do as many questions as you can. However it's important to do questions that are of significant quality to test you. PLUS you need to have a strategy for those situations when you just don't know and the even more frustrating situation of getting down to two possible responses.
You also need to have knowledge with that strategy. We concentrate on the big topics and those that will get you the most marks. The truth is you can never really know everything. We want you to know what you need to to pass the examination, but to also have a knowledge of the important topics that you can take further in your career.
You also need to have knowledge with that strategy. We concentrate on the big topics and those that will get you the most marks. The truth is you can never really know everything. We want you to know what you need to to pass the examination, but to also have a knowledge of the important topics that you can take further in your career.
Who is it For?
It's For Those Studying for exams in:
Emergency Medicine / Intensive Care / Surgery / Anaesthetics
It's also for anyone else wanting to learn in these areas
Emergency Medicine / Intensive Care / Surgery / Anaesthetics
It's also for anyone else wanting to learn in these areas